Worshipful Master
VWBro Ian Wellesley-Harding
Master-Elect (October 2024)
Bro Stuart Thomson
Lodge Secretary
WBro Mike Overend
Contact Address
Mike Overend
25 Causeway
Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1HE
Immediate Past Master
WBro Dominic Rapsey
Phone and Email
Landline: 01403-259188 Mobile: 07725-256085
E-mail (Lodge): 2650secretary@gmail.com
E-mail (Personal): mikeoverend@hotmail.com
At the recent regular Lodge meeting held on Monday 25th March 2024, we initiated Mr Benedict Jooste-Jennings into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry. The ceremony was witnessed by two new masons from the Old Tonbridgian Lodge No. 4146 who were able to see what they had recently been through "from the outside". 26 brethren dined after the meeting at Bakers' Hall. Those interested in visiting or knowing more about the Lodge are encouraged to make contact with the Secretary.
Our next meeting is on Monday 14th October 2024, when we will install our new Worshipful Master, Bro Stuart Thomson.
Although membership of the Lodge, like all lodges under the United Grand Lodge of England, is resticted to men, enquiries from those interested in women's Freemasonry are also most welcome. Christ's Hospital has been a co-educational school for some 40 years and the Lodge will actively engage with and support women Old Blues who would like to join a women's lodge. The Lodge Secretary can provide more information, as can the Secretary of the Public Schools Lodges Council (comprising 38 Public School Lodges). He is WBro Barry McCurdy, a member of Christ's Hospital Lodge, and he may be contacted at secretary@pslc.org.uk.
2024 Lodge Bursary recipients Petra Zuniga and Summer Andrews with
WBro Paul Arman and WBro Arnold Allen of the Christ's Hospital Lodge
Petra and Summer receiving their Bursary cheques and Certificates from The Lord Mayor, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli